Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Every religion lead but to the same goal....

27 Sep, 2010

The Supreme Sacrifice of a Mother...

Mr. Kumar Rakesh  

Sacrificing one’s own life for a cause is called a supreme sacrifice. Yet there is even a bigger sacrifice.
Panna Dhai’s story of sacrifice is unparalleled.  She was the foster-mother  of  Prince Udai Singh, son of   Rana Sanga, the king of  Chittor. After his death in a battle with Babur (1527 AD) , his brother, Banveer wanted to kill Udai Singh to usurp the throne. Panna Dhai replaced her own son with Udai Singh in the crib. Her son was killed by the brother of the dead king.  Udai Singh was thus saved and he eventually became the king and founded the beautiful city of Udaipur.
           माँ की कुर्बानी
चल पड़ा दुष्ट बनवीर क्रूर, जैसे कलयुग का कंस चला
राणा सांगा के, कुम्भा के, कुल को करने निर्वंश चला
उस ओर महल में पन्ना के कानों में ऐसी भनक पड़ी
वह भीत मृगी-सी सिहर उठी, क्या करे नहीं कुछ समझ पड़ी
तत्क्षण मन में संकल्प उठा, बिजली चमकी काले घन पर
स्वामी के हित में बलि दूंगी, अपने प्राणों से भी बढ़ कर
धन्ना नाइ की कुण्डी में,झटपट राणा को सुला दिया
ऊपर झूठे पत्ते रख कर, यों छिपा महल से पार किया
फिर अपने नन्हें-मुन्ने को, झट छिथड़ों में से उठा लिया
राजसी वसन-भूषण पहना, फ़ौरन पलंग पर लिटा दिया
इतने में ही सुन पड़ी गरज, है उदय कहाँ, युवराज कहाँ
शोणित प्यासी तलवार लिए, देखा कातिल था वहां खड़ा 
पन्ना सहमी, दिल झिझक उठा,फिर मन को कर पत्थर कठोर 
सोया प्राणों-का-प्राण जहां, दिखला दी उँगली उसी ओर 
छण में बिजली-सी चमक उठी,ज़ालिम की ऊँची खडग उठी 
माँ-माँ-माँ-माँ की चीख उठी, नन्हीं सी काया तड़प उठी 
शोणित से सनी सिसक निकली, लोहू पी नागन शांत हुई 
इक नन्हां जीवन-दीप बुझा, इक गाथा करुण दुखांत हुई 
जब से धरती पर माँ जनमी, जब से माँ ने बेटे जनमे
ऐसी मिसाल कुर्बानी की, देखि न गई जन-जीवन में 
तू पुण्यमयी, तू धर्ममयी, तू त्याग-तपस्या की देवी 
धरती के सब हीरे-पन्ने, तुझ पर वारें पन्ना देवी 
तू भारत की सच्ची नारी, बलिदान चढ़ाना सिखा गई 
तू स्वमिधर्म पर, देशधर्म पर, ह्रदय लुटाना सिखा गई  
                                            -सत्य नारायण गोयनका

         The Supreme Sacrifice of a Mother..
(Translated from the original verse in Hindi by me)

The cruel Banbir,as Kans of Kaliyug,marched forward at a high pace
 To make the clan of Rana Sanga and  that of kumbha an heirless
 But In the Palace as soon as and as fast, the ill-tidings fell into Panna’s ears
 She trembled like a frightened deer & knew not how to cope with her fears
 The same moment, the decision, as the lightening in dark clouds, was rife
 “I would make a sacrifice for my master, but more precious than my life”
In the basket of barber Dhanna, the little Rana was made to sleep at once
Hidden under used dishes of leaves, was let out of the Palace perchance
Then she took her dear little son up from the rags into her arm
Clad in royal attire with jewels, laid on royal cot cozy and warm
Just then a roar roared loud and loud, “Where is Uday, Uday is where?”
The murderer with the sword thirsty for blood was seen standing there
Panna made her heart hard as stone, though subdued with fear and trembled
Raised her finger toward the cot where the soul of her life, her son slumbered
As a flash of lightening, the sword of the heartless hit the little babe with “Ha, Ha, Ha”
The little body of the little babe ached with pain so severe and shrieked,”Ma, Ma, Ma”
The serpent quenched her blood-thirst, though blood-stained shriek gushed about 
‘Twas the sad end of a sad story, and a little lamp of little life, was so sadly blown out
Since the advent of mother, and of her children on earth has been
Such instance of supreme sacrifice no one anywhere has ever seen
Panna, Thou art the virtuous and righteous Goddess of sacrifice and devotion
 For you, we discard all the diamonds and emeralds of earth without hesitation
Thou, the real woman of India taught the lesson of sacrifice, for earnest end
Thou taught to sacrifice the heart too, for the sake of Lord, and mother-land




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